Friday, September 01, 2006

Lost in translation

Hello ,

Languages complicate life in a certain way. In English i have to use the capital I to talk about myself. Well i ain't gonna do that anymore. It costs a lot of time correcting these stupid spelling rules. In Spanish i have to put a lot of accents when i talk about the past. Well for the time being , you'll have to put most of them yourself . I ordered a spanish qwerty keyboard to cope with that problem, cause my brain can't take anymore shortkutkeys for spelling.


Idiomas te complican la vida en cierto modo. En inglés tengo que poner un la i capital para hablar de mi. y no voy hacerlo mas ,. me cuesta demasiado tiempo corregir todas estas detailles gramaticales. En castellano tengo que poner muchos accentos quando hablo del pasado , de momento tendrais que ponerlos vosotros. He pedido un teclado qwerty español para solucionar este problemo, porque en mi cabeza no caben mas shortkeys para el spelling.

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