It's nice to be both part of the same work of art. A creative upper.
After Las Palmas i came to Oviedo. Where i still live now. you can see the apartment on the foto. I finally buil the decor for an opera. It have been 6 months of frenetic building, We did the job with two (which is very few to build an entire decor). I'm proud of what i build. i never thought I could build the "baile en mascara". It's a great achievement, and i finally found out that I'm good at what i do. Logic and mathematics did the job. I don't have children but i felt the decor like my baby. From paper to show. Incredible. In bloody credible
Well the apartment I'm living now is goooooood. on top of Oviedo, 8th floor with a large terrace. No sounds of neihgbours, always warm , spacious. A Zen place.
Everything alright you should say?
NOOOOO. I just wanted to stay one year in the same place, i didn't want more then just one year in the same house , enjoy the presence of my girl and have a home. My home. One year is asked to much i guess. Friday they said they had to cut staff, and the one to go was me. It has been some kind of trick or something. A downward spiral. And i was the centre of it. Although its shitty at the moment i was right and destiny told me to move to another place.
World here i come